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Class Conversations

Conversations allows you to view ongoing 1:1 messaging sessions with another wallet


  • Conversations




  • newConversation(peerAddress: string, context?: InvitationContext): Promise<Conversation>
  • Creates a new conversation for the given address. Will throw an error if the peer is not found in the XMTP network


    • peerAddress: string
    • Optional context: InvitationContext

    Returns Promise<Conversation>

  • Returns a stream of any newly created conversations. Will dedupe to not return the same conversation twice in the same stream. Does not dedupe any other previously seen conversations

    Returns Promise<Stream<Conversation>>

  • streamAllMessages(): Promise<AsyncGenerator<DecodedMessage, any, unknown>>
  • Streams messages from all conversations.

    When a new conversation is initiated with the client's address, this function will automatically register it and add it to the list of conversations to watch. Callers should be aware the first messages in a newly created conversation are picked up on a best effort basis and there are other potential race conditions which may cause some newly created conversations to be missed.

    Returns Promise<AsyncGenerator<DecodedMessage, any, unknown>>

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